Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Apartment (Finally)

Well just after 4 months of being here in Korea I guess I'll finally share some footage of my apartment and surrounding area!  The video is self explanatory, the photos are basically what I see when I walk to work.

Most of these I took walking home from school one day.  This is actually the entrance/driveway to my school on the right, and part of the playground on the left.

A look down the road I walk every day.

Some of these houses are SO cool looking, I want one just like it when I buy a house back home (someday).

Another cool looking house.

I mentioned in the video that many of the houses have stairs to the roof.  This is partially because there is not a ton of flat ground here and it's so mountainous.  The other reason is with no clothes drying machines, they hang their clothes on a line on the roof.  Also good for barbecues and shooting fireworks (as I have found recently on a friend's roof).

Here is another cool house, and the Jesus statue again.

My fire escape that I shot part of the video from.  

The Jesus and the church at night.  It seems all of the churches decorate with lots of Christmas lights.

Me with my new leather jacket in my elevator of mirrors :)

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