A while back, maybe 1-2 months ago, I was walking to Taekwondo from the other end of my neighborhood after running a couple errands. It is pretty unusual for me to be on that side of the street at this time, so it is a crazy coincidence that there happened to be an accident there that night. I noticed that there was a big crowd of people and a police car up ahead, so I checked it out. Now one of the wonderful things about Korea is the super low crime rate, so this was the first time I'd seen a police car actually dealing with a crime/incident. As I approached the scene I saw that a billiards hall was completely missing its front bay windows and door! Someone had apparently ran their car INTO the pool hall, backed out, and continued on their way. I can only speculate as to whether the driver had been drunk or not (but come on, he/she had to have been), and I don't know if they ever caught anyone for it. I did snap a couple pictures of it from that night, and then later once it was all fixed up. It was quite crazy, and I'm just glad I wasn't walking there 5-10 minutes earlier when the driver was navigating through my neighborhood in such a reckless manner. Phew!

What a mess!
The Korean cop car. They always have their lights on when they drive, but apparently not when they park at a crime scene..
The pool hall all fixed up.
I chuckled as I was reading the caption about how the Korean police apparently don't keep their lights on at a crime scene. Lucky you were not there during the crash.