Here are some random updates about what's been going on in my daily. As I reported in some of my recent posts, I have been very busy, but I am finally starting to get to a little more comfortable with my schedule.
I have gone down to 2 days a week for Taekwondo which is really helpful. It's too bad that I have to cut it down since I love it so much and its good exercise, but something has to give. I just earned my blue belt last week though! I have a video, but the file is too large to email to myself from my phone, and the chord that I used to transfer files with to my laptop, isn't recognized by my computer at school.. so hopefully that is sorted by the next belt test! My friend Norah who has joined my Taekwondo studio just took her first test, and earned her yellow belt. That was on Wednesday, and on Saturday Master Lee and his wife treated Norah and I to dinner! This is the third time they have taken me out, and this time we went to a western style buffet that had amazing chicken wings, ribs and lots of other great foods I don't get enough of here. So that was really nice. I like having dinner with Koreans like this, because it allows us to communicate using their limited English, and my limited Korean. We both learn new words, and make a strong effort to have a conversation (also using the smart phone translator when necessary).

This is one of the Taekwondo students who I have mentioned before. He is now known as "HELLOOOOOOO" since that is how he always greets me, haha.
This is me looking goofy, with my friend Norah, Master Lee and the students with ice cream/popsicles.
Moving up the belt ladder!
The band is coming along very nicely. We have been practicing every Tuesday evening and performing at the open mic every Thursday. We have several original songs, but are focusing more on cover songs, since that is easier for the audience to get into (since we are so new). A couple of the songs that we have covered are Wonderwall by Oasis, Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye, and a couple songs by the band Against Me. I absolutely love playing in the band, and can't wait until we do a real show!
Here's Tom from the band. We played pool after we performed last Thursday.
There are Tom and Keenan on the right doing a Beatles song with the drummer and guitarist from another foreigner band here in Ulsan. Their name is Karaoke Doky.
This is my friend Bethany who came and performed at open mic 2 weeks ago. She was amazing! (sorry the pic is a little blurry!)
My classes at school have been great. I am able to spend about 10 minutes at the beginning of every class teaching a song, and my new 3rd graders just did their competition on Friday! I'm not sure what my editing capabilities are right now (with out my laptop), but I will have some sort of footage on that soon!
I am currently looking over my options for traveling for the next year. I had originally planned on going to the Philippines or Nepal for summer vacation, but I don't know if I can swing that just yet. I have had some unexpected expenses in the last couple of months, so my travel budget is not what it should be for those kinds of trips (also SE Asia is not ideal for the summer months.. too hot!). Because of this, I think I will take my summer vacation to Jeju Island, and perhaps to Guang-Ju (SE province in Korea). I went to Jeju during the winter months, and it was great, but I need to experience it while the weather is warm. Since it is a domestic vacation, it will be a little more affordable, and still amazing!
I still have vacations next winter, and in the summer of 2013, so there are plenty of chances to continue exploring Asia. I think I will go back to SE Asia again in the winter, since it is in the 80s and 90s during that time. (BTW South East Asia includes Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, and a few others.)
A couple weeks ago I finally played the Korean 4 ball version of pool. It was really difficult because it is all about putting 'English' on the ball, pretty ironic right? Haha. I started to get the hang of it though, and hope I play it again soon so I can remember the pointers my co-workers gave me!
For this version of pool, there are 2 players (or in this case, teams). One team shoots the yellow ball, and the other shoots the white ball. The goal is to make your ball hit both of the red balls. If you do that, you get a point, and you continue to shoot until you miss. It is very tricky!