Saturday, August 27, 2011

So much has happened!!

So I appologize if I've left anybody waiting for new posts, I've been so busy the last week and have been having such a blast!  During my 8 day orientation at Jeong-ju University I made many new friends, learned a little Korean and Hongal (the symbols), learned about teaching EFL (English as a Foreign Language), and learned a lot about the Korean culture.  I also participated in a talent show that was amazing that I hope to post once I get the video from my new friend Sarah! 

So there is no way to really cover all of the amazing experiences I have had in this past week or two, but hopefully the pictures will help!  (BTW I have hundreds of pictures already!  So I'm only putting so many up.  To see more check out my facebook or email me and I can send more!)

Part of Jeong-ju University

 Some new friends leaving a coffee shop.  This was the first time I was somewhere with no English on the signs.  It was scary! haha The gentleman in the middle's name is Jim, and he saved us.  I didn't have my phrase book and he has lived in Korea for 2 years teaching in Hogwans (private schools).  He ended up being a good friend this last week.

 Walking down the strip we familiarized ourself with after the coffee shop.  (PS all I had to say was coppy americano if I wanted a coffee lol)

 Here is some Korean cafeteria food, which at the time of this picture was amazing.  Now that I've been around I know that it was not nearly as good as it gets, but still not bad.  The red stuff is Kimchi which is a side with almost every meal you get in Korea.  I was warned about it: 'it's cabbage that they stick in a hole in the ground until it ferments, the smell is terrible!'  Well most of that is true, but I tried it anyways.. and love it!  It's spicy and goes good with almost everything, so if you ever get the chance be brave and try it!

 My roommate Jaime, def a cool dude from Northern Ireland.  I was Skyping my parents early one morning and he walked through the background in his boxers.  My mom just thought that was SO funny haha (like blush central haha)

 Opening ceremony of orientation.

Lots of people!  I think it was a little over 400 people at our orientation.
 Traditional fan dancers.  They were very good and they make shapes like flowers and butterflies and are very elegant.

 This traditional drum quartet is called samulguangdae.  It was very cool to watch and I recommend youtubing it to see what it's like.  I'll take this opportunity to mention that my new camera is glitching, so I haven't been able to take many videos.  Hopefully I'll get to the bottem of it soon, but the pictures will keep coming!  Also we went on a field trip to see an old village and experience authentic Korean culture.  I'll get those pictures up as well, but I mention it now because we learned how to play these different percussion instruments!

 I forget the name of this traditional drum dance, but it was very entertaining, and in this case was performed by the same girls who did the fan dancing.

 Taekwondo!  This also was very entertaining.  They probably broke over 100 boards and did tons of flips.  Throughout orientation we had several classes which were mostly lecture, but one was in a gymnasium: Taekwondo!  It was very fun, but boy was I sore afterwards!  It was really great though and I am seriously considering joining a Taekwondo studio around here.

 Dude got up there!

 Our first class, and that's Nicole!  One of our two EPIK teachers, and she is seriously like the cutest thing ever, I really wish I would have gotten her being awesome on a video haha

Opening ceremony dinner.  I didn't really know these people when I took the picture, but I became good friends with most of them :)

 Yeah, that watermelon was EPIK!!!!

PS:  I am adding the link to our talent show video now.  It is also in it's own post from October 10th, so this is a double post.  There are related links for other talent show perfomances as well!


Cleveland Hopkins Airport

In Cleveland waiting to board my first flight.

 Picture from my seat on the plane.

O'Hare, Chicago International airport.

Before boarding my long flight to Korea!

Panaram picture of my plane.

(From left) Monitor, guy from Chicago who was originally from Cleveland, flight attendant, and Eric who sat next to me.  Eric is from China and was heading back to Shanghai.  He spoke some English and was very friendly!

This is Alicia and Laura who I met in the Incheon Airport.  They came from Chicago and were taking the same bus as me to orientation, so we buddied around on the way, and they're both awesome!

I have arrived!

I am now in Jeong-Ju South Korea, staying in a dormitory for the next week at Jeong-Ju University.  I have a roommate from North Ireland who is real easy to get along with, and we're learning about eachother's cultures plenty.  My flight over was very nice, just very long.  I will begin my orientation today, and will be getting acclimated over this next week!  I have many pictures and a couple videos to upload. 

P.S. I have been experiencing some problems with being able to comment on my posts, so feel free to try, but if you cannot comment, hold that thought!  I'll get it sorted out soon!